Thursday, April 06, 2006

Oh, It's On!

In an effort to keep up with my buddies on the old Angel Yarns forum, I’m starting my very own Blog.

Now this is a beginner's blog, written by the raw and bleeding fingers of a novice. There will be times when I am so gob-stoppingly proud of myself for making a sock, and times when the tears are a-flowing because I Just. Don’t. Get. It.

Mostly there will be times when I forget to blog, and always there will be no pictures, because I haven’t got a camera, scanner or computer at home.

Now. The mission statement of this blog is to combine two things I love – Knitting and Graphic Novels. Yeah, alright, comics.

The pinnacle of this will be when have a knitted Superman T-shirt and a knitted WonderWoman … lasso.

Don’t mention crochet… it’s just plain wrong.

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