Friday, April 07, 2006

I'm attempting to create this bag. A bag for All Seasons, by Paloma Parra.

It's going... alright. The yarn was well priced from BanYan Tree Yarns, and the pattern is very easy to follow. Until we come to the strap. I’s going to be a massive circular piece that the sides are stitched to. Sounds pretty rickety to me!
And I’m not very good at making up either, these pieces will lie around until PMIL (Pseudo Mother-In-Law) comes to visit and sews them for me.
Dearest boyfriend is most unhappy with this situation – and the fact that I’ve begun a new (freestyle) bag with this one in tatters has not brightened his countenance.

Odd that.

On a non-knitting related note, I have just been informed that I might be made redundant. This blows on many levels. I couldn’t even have a drink to commiserate because I’m currently on antibiotics. Thanks for that, the Family Wisdom Tooth.
As there is no drinking on the horizon, I will be knitting and watching WW for the weekend.

For a 25 year old, I make an excellent grandma!

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