Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Wedding Bells.

I’ve been away for quite a few days sans compy.
That works for me because I can reduce the some of the effects of carpal tunnel syndrome that I’m sure is building in my left hand!

I went to the wedding of my college Best Friend (who’s still one of my Greatest Friends, but because I can’t keep in touch with anyone, I’ve lost her as the BFF we once were!). She looked absolutely stunning, and the groom was suitably stunned and awed. Well done AH.

The ceremony was lovely, with readings and poetry – John Fuller’s Valentine produced tears and laughter. I was so very proud of them both.
And the service was conducted by Windsor Davies.
And OH danced with me to 5 songs!
So, congratulations to Mrs and Mrs H – hope it’s not too long before we hear the pitter-patter of tiny Hs.


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