Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Every bag has a spangly lining...


It’s been too long, how are the kids? Really? Wow. Already? You must be very proud.

Anyhoo, back to me.

The Grass Bag, is almost done. Just 30 rows of garter stitch to go! I’ve decided to embroider it in orange thread, and attach some giant orange buttons to it.

I’ve got this jacket that I never ever wear (in fact, there are two coats in this little tale so bear with…), it’s bright orange (where the buttons are coming from) and the lining is this awesome shiny orange satin affair. Now, I was about to send the coat to charity when I realized that this is the EXACT fabric I’ve been looking for to line the Grass Bag with.

Knitting seems to throw up ethical direlemas by the bucketload. Do I rip a perfectly serviceable coat to bits for my own personal gain, or give it to charity and then have to spend £10+ on the lining I just gave away? I’ve got a feeling that by the time I get an answer, I will have already taken the scissors to it, but I’ll hold out for a few days.

Must peg it – just got a phone call and apparently I’m late for the pub. I didn’t realize the pub was so gosh-darned impatient.

Love to all.



1 comment:

Mouldydc said...

why... why archived??? This is stoopid.