Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The SUN!

Oh happy day

The sun was out this morning as I left for work, after a most bizarre nights sleep (but well get into that another time). It was lovely and warm and pleasant to walk in, now its grey and freezing and heavily threatening to rain.

Summertime, and the living is freeeeezzeeeyyyyy. Hail is jumpin and the collars are hiiigghhhhh

Stoopid Britain.

Drum roll please badabadabadabaDABDABADAB! *CRASH!* I finished hedera. Its done. The jolly nasty gusset/toe section is over, and they are lovely socks for a lovely person who likes wearing socks.

Unfortunately thats not me. I like making them, I hate wearing them. Andy cant wear them, because he has big feet and hes not keep on lime green lace (heaven knows why!). Big Sis cant wear them as shes a very sensitive soul with sensitive soles where only cotton may go.

So they go to charidee. Lucky her.

Next is.. I do not know. I think Im going to make some gauntlets for a friend whos off to work in a ski park for snow season in Australia. I was as flummoxed by that statement as I have no doubt you are! Obviously once the wool for the Hoodie arrives, work will continue on that. For know, Ill have to make do with attempting yet another pattern to try getting rid of nasty Patons bella in yellow. Bleurgh.

Next time on Crisis

Anthea Turner makes me want to be a better person. No honestly.

X-men 3 and the DaVinci code not as bad as Andrew from Account Management keeps saying.

My New Job. Potentially not getting laid off. Doing an interview for a job you are actually overqualified for. The ethical dilemma.


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